Final Interpretation for RI # 120 - Sampling of process expectations unclear

Date: 07/31/2001
Subject: Sampling of process expectations unclear
CC Part #1 Reference: 
CC Part #2 Reference: 
CC Part #3 Reference: 
CEM Reference: CEM, Annex B.2


The following sentence (CEM v1.0 part 2 section B.2 p. 348 paragraph 1791a) is poorly worded: "Where sampling relates to gaining evidence that a process (e.g. visitor control or design review), a percentage figure is not appropriate, [...]"


The evidence needed is that the process is being followed.

Specific Changes

The CEM, second half of paragraph 1791a, is replaced with:

Where sampling relates to gaining evidence that a process (e.g. visitor control or design review) is being followed, a percentage figure is not appropriate. The evaluator should sample sufficient information to gain reasonable confidence that the process is being followed, and justify the sample size.

