Final Interpretation for RI # 116 - Indistinguishable work units for ADO_DEL

Date: 07/31/2001
Subject: Indistinguishable work units for ADO_DEL
CC Part #1 Reference: 
CC Part #2 Reference: 
CC Part #3 Reference: 
CEM Reference: CEM, Section 7.5.1 (ADO_DEL.1)
CEM, Section 8.5.1 (ADO_DEL.2)


There seems to be no difference between *:ADO_DEL.*-1 and *:ADO_DEL.*-2. While *:ADO_DEL.*-1 concentrates upon what is necessary, *:ADO_DEL.*-2 concentrates upon what is suitable (a distinction absent in the CC).


With respect to the evaluator actions associated with *:ADO_DEL.*-1 and *:ADO_DEL.*-2, there is no difference between necessity and suitability; both are in the context of the security objectives. Consequently, work unit *:ADO_DEL.*-2 adds nothing to *:ADO_DEL.*-1 (other than the examples in the second paragraph of guidance for *:ADO_DEL.*-2).

Specific Changes

The following changes are made to the CEM:

  • The following paragraphs are added immediately after paragraphs 670, 966, and 1340:

    Standard commercial practice for packaging and delivery may be acceptable. This includes shrink wrapped packaging, a security tape or a sealed envelope. For the distribution, the public mail or a private distribution service may be acceptable.

    The suitability of the choice of the delivery procedures is influenced by the TOE (e.g. whether it is software or hardware) and by the security objectives. In cases where the delivery procedures differ for different parts of the TOE, the totality of procedures are suitable to meet the overall security objectives.

  • Work unit 2:ADO_DEL.1-2 and its guidance (paragraphs 671-672) are deleted.
  • Work unit 3:ADO_DEL.1-2 and its guidance (paragraphs 967-968) are deleted.
  • Work unit 4:ADO_DEL.2-2 and its guidance (paragraphs 1341-1342) are deleted.
  • Rationale