Final Interpretation for RI # 4 - ACM_SCP.*.1C requirements unclear

Date: 11/12/2001
Subject: ACM_SCP.*.1C requirements unclear
CC Part #1 Reference: 
CC Part #2 Reference: 
CC Part #3 Reference: CC Part 3, Section 8.3 (ACM_SCP)
CEM Reference: CEM, Section 8.4.3 (ACM_SCP.2)


ACM_SCP.*.1C requires that "design documentation" is tracked by the CM system. This term is not used elsewhere, and clearly does not map directly to ADV requirements (since it appears to exclude the implementation representation).


ACM_SCP is interpreted as intending to extend the requirements of ACM_CAP to additional items, not to impose additional CM capabilities (i.e. the requirement to 'track').

ACM_SCP.1.1C requires that the following must be included in the list of configuration items: the implementation representation and the evaluation evidence required by the assurance components in the ST.

Specific Changes

In CC Part 3, the following changes are made:

In the CEM, the following changes are made:


ACM_CAP is already written to impose all CM requirements on all configuration items. Therefore the only thing that ACM_SCP need do is indicate what additional items over the TOE itself (the ACM_CAP requirement for configuration items) must be included in the list of configuration items.

  ACM_SCP is interpreted as intending to extend the requirements of ACM_CAP to additional items, not to impose additional CM capabilities (i.e. the requirement to 'track'). The control of configuration items is fully covered by ACM_CAP.*.9C (appearing in ACM_CAP.3 and above).