Final Interpretation for RI # 146 – C&P elements include characteristics




C&P elements include characteristics



CC Part #1 Reference:


CC Part #2 Reference:


CC Part #3 Reference:

CC Part 3, Section 2.1.3

CEM Reference:



Some content and presentation (C&P) elements in the CC assurance requirements refer to characteristics of the TOE or the assurance and not to the content and presentation of evidence about the TOE or the assurance.


The C&P elements cover both the content of the evidence and the characteristics of the TOE or the assurance being address by that component. The CC is intrepreted as detailed in the specific change below.

Specific Changes

To address this interpretation, the following changes are made to CC v2.1, Part 3, paragraph 50: "and what information the evidence shall convey" is changed to ", what information the evidence shall convey, and, when considered appropropriate, specific characteristics that either the TOE or this assurance must possess."


This interpretation recognizes that C&P elements cover both the content of the evidence and the characteristics of the TOE or the assurance being address by that component.