Transition Guide Summary of changes in the CC/CEM from v2.3 to v3.1
Technical Editor: NIAP / Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme
Version 1, September 2008
General purpose:
The intention of this document is to help people involved in Common Criteria (CC) evaluations using the version 2.3 of the standard to provide a summary of changes in the CC/CEM from version 2.3 to version 3.1.
Field of special use: vendors that have performed previously an evaluation of a product using CC v2.3 and are now planning to perform a re-evaluation using CC v3.1
Table of contents
1. Overview of Common Criteria Changes
1.1. Part 1- Introduction and general model
1.2. Part 2- Security functional components
1.3. Part 3- Security assurance components
a. ASE/APE - Security Target evaluation / Protection Profile evaluation
b. ACM/ADO/AGD/ALC - Life Cycle Support / Guidance Documentation
e. AVA - Vulnerability Assessment
1.4. CEM - Evaluation methodology
2 Mapping of Changes to Assurance Components
2.1. Mapping of ASE/APE requirements
2.2. Mapping of ACM/ADO/ALC/AGD requirements
2.3. Mapping of ADV requirements
2.4. Mapping of ATE requirements
2.5. Mapping of AVA requirements
1. Overview of Common Criteria Changes
1.1.Part 1- Introduction and general model
Part 1 was made clearer, better reflecting the whole CC. This primarily consists of establishing and using a more consistent terminology, and to reflect the changes that were made to ASE/APE.
1.2.Part 2- Security functional components
Part 2 has had little changes from v2.3 to v3.1. The only notable change is the deletion of FPT_SEP and FPT_RVM. These were deleted as optional SFRs on the grounds that they describe attributes of any but the lowest assurance TSFs, and have been replaced by the ADV_ARC assurance requirement family. The descriptions of how the TSF cannot be bypassed and how it protects itself (FPT_RVM and FPT_SEP, respectively) should be sufficient for the description of how the TSF is of a sound architecture (ADV_ARC). Past evaluations have suffered from the lack of a comprehensive approach to addressing this critical principle, so the ADV_ARC requirements were crafted to mandate specific evidence be provided for analysis.
1.3.Part 3- Security assurance components
The changes to part 3, and their causes, are so varied that it would not be useful to attempt a consolidated global summary. Instead, the classes, or groups thereof, are discussed.
a. ASE/APE - Security Target evaluation / Protection Profile evaluation
ASE and APE contained numerous instances where elements were stated such that work was repeated. In addition, there was insufficient guidance on determining the adequacy of Assumption, Threat, OSP, or Security Objectives statements; consequently, this text could be determined to pass, yet prove to be useless for end users (i.e. potential customers).
The approach taken in rewriting these families was to organize the descriptions to yield a useful resulting ST/PP, while streamline the work in evaluating it. Included in this reorganization was providing descriptions of good Assumption, Threat, OSP, and Security Objectives statements, as well as focusing on the fact that the purpose of the TOE Summary Specification is to explain how the TOE meets its requirements.
A summary mapping of the PP contents as specified in versions 2.3 and 3.1 can be found in Annex 1. In this table, the contents as defined in Figure 11 (v2.3) and Figure 9 (v3.1) of Part 1 have been put into outline format, and then mapped.
b. ACM/ADO/AGD/ALC - Life Cycle Support / Guidance Documentation
ACM/ADO/AGD/ALC were, for the most part, just rearranging the contents. The primary problem with v2.3 was that there was no clear delineation among them. For example, the configuration management requirements addressed in ACM should be in place over the entire lifecycle of the TOE, which is in fact the subject of ALC; and the actions required by the administrator (which are described in AGD) might also include actions associated with the start-up of the TOE, which is part of ADO.
These four classes were therefore rearranged into two: ALC which addresses the requirements associated with the developer’s site, and AGD which addresses all of the requirements associated with the user’s/ customer’s site.
A summary mapping of the ACM/ADO/AGD/ALC requirements of versions 2.3 and 3.1 can be found in Annex 3.
c. ADV - Development
The problems with v2.3 of ADV were varied. In some cases it called for added work that was inefficient (RCR calling for a separate correspondence that would be much more straightforward if incorporated into the other families, à la v1.0). In some cases, it reflected a technology bias that the CC purported not to have (the two levels of abstraction approach in HLD/LLD is infeasible for very complex TOEs and unnecessary for very simple TOEs). In some cases, the components were not granular enough to allow the assurance to track along with the EAL scale (FSP remained unchanged from EAL1 through EAL3). Some basic IT security principles were completely missing (the absence of an architecture argument meant that that all of the claimed security functions could be corrupted or bypassed, making them meaningless). And in all cases, there was no acknowledgement that some parts of the TSF are more critical and security-interesting than others, the result of which was that the analysis had to be performed -- even on parts that no security professional would bother with - thereby expending vast amount of unnecessary effort.
The 3.1 version of ADV reflects a reasonable scale of increasing assurance with a corresponding amount of work. Although version 3.1 has more text (elements in the components and, hence, more work units in the methodology), this does not mean more work for evaluators/developers/certifiers; in fact, a considerable amount of the text describes both the principles underlying security analysis as well as how to save effort in performing it.
A summary mapping of the ADV requirements of versions 2.3 and 3.1 can be found in Annex 4.
d. ATE - Test
ATE was updated to reflect the fact that COV is tied to the testing of TSFI (and is therefore tied to the functional specification), while DPT was updated to reflect the levels of TDS.
A summary mapping of the ATE requirements of versions 2.3 and 3.1 can be found in Annex 5.
e. AVA - Vulnerability Assessment
The AVA class consists of only one family in v3.1 - AVA_VAN. AVA has removed the explicit notion of SOF (to reflect there is no longer a separate SOF claim made in PPs/STs). However, the evaluator should consider the resistance to attack of security functions in AVA_VAN. Most of the MSU analysis has been merged into the AGD family (because it simply extends the requirements of the quality of those documents). Finally, it created a new lowest level of vulnerability analysis, based upon the public domain and removed the requirements that the developer performs a vulnerability assessment; note that vulnerability analysis now bears the trigraph "VAN".
A summary mapping of the AVA requirements of versions 2.3 and 3.1 can be found in Annex 2.
1.4.CEM - Evaluation methodology
The CEM was rearranged into class/family/component, echoing the structure of Part 3, rather than being arranged by EAL as the previous version had been. It also was not limited to the components that make up EALs 1-4: if methodology for any higher-level component was available, it is included. However, mutual recognition is still limited to EAL4.
2 Mapping of Changes to Assurance Components
2.1. Mapping of ASE/APE requirements
v3.1 |
v2.3 |
1. PP Introduction A. PP reference |
1. PP Introduction A. PP identification B. PP overview |
B. TOE overview |
2. TOE Description |
2. Conformance Claims A. CC Conformance Claim B. PP Claim, Package Claim C. Conformance Rationale D. Conformance Statement |
[As defined in section 5.4, as modified (and re-titled “Conformance Results”) by interpretation CCIMB-0008] |
3. Security Problem Definition A. Threats B. OSPs C. Assumptions |
3. TOE Security Environment A. Assumptions B. Threats C. OSPs |
4. Security Objectives A. SOs for the TOE B. SOs for the operational environment |
4. Security Objectives A. SOs for the TOE B. SOs for the environment |
C. Security Objectives rationale |
(8A, below) |
5. Extended Components Definition |
(5A1 and 5A2, below: the explicit reqs) |
6. Security Requirements A. SFRs for the TOE |
5. IT Security Requirements A. TOE Security Requirements 1. TOE SFRs [Part 2 and explicit reqs] |
B. SARs for the TOE |
2. TOE SARs [Part 3 and explicit reqs] |
C. Security requirements rationale |
(8B, below) |
(requirements for environment are now optional) |
B. Security Requirements for IT environment |
(no separate App notes section; these can be put into Intro) |
7. PP Application Notes |
[see 4C, above] |
8. Rationale A. Security Objectives Rationale |
[see 6C, above] |
B. Security Requirements Rationale |
2.2. Mapping of ACM/ADO/ALC/AGD requirements
CC v2.3 |
CC v3.1 |
ACM_SCP - what is tracked by CM |
ALC_CMS - scope of CM: what is covered ALC_CMC - capabilities of CM system (including whether automated) |
ACM_CAP - a CM system; its capabilities; maintenance of CIs |
ACM_AUT - automated CM |
ALC_DVS - developer security |
ALC_DVS - developer security |
ALC_FLR - flaw remediation |
ALC_FLR - flaw remediation |
ALC_LCD - lifecycle development |
ALC_LCD - lifecycle development |
ALC_TAT - tools and techniques |
ALC_TAT - tools and techniques |
ADO_DEL - delivery procedures (at both developer’s site and user’s site) |
ALC_DEL - delivery procedures (at the developer’s site) [user-side moved to AGD_PRE] |
ADO_IGS - installation, generation, start-up procedures (at both developer’s site and user’s site) |
AGD_PRE - preparation of TOE at the user’s site: User-side delivery procedures (receipt); User-side start-up procedures; [developer-side generation procedures moved to ALC_CMC]; subject to misuse analysis (formerly AVA_MSU) |
AGD_OPE - operation: guidance on how to operate the TOE, aimed at humans that interact with it; subject to misuse analysis (formerly AVA_MSU) |
2.3. Mapping of ADV requirements
CC v2.3 |
CC v3.1 |
Families Addressing Decomposition of TSF |
[no v.21 equivalent] |
FSP.1 allege security-enforcing interfaces |
[no v.21 equivalent] |
FSP.2 describe security-enforcing interfaces |
[no v.21 equivalent] |
FSP.3 describe security-relevant interfaces |
FSP.1 describe all interfaces |
[deleted: covered by FSP.1, FSP.2, and FSP.3 to address varying levels of assurance at EAL1-3] |
FSP.2 give all details of all interfaces |
FSP.4 give all details of all interfaces[1] |
FSP.3 give semiformal presentation |
FSP.5 give semiformal presentation |
FSP.4 give formal presentation |
FSP.6 give formal presentation |
HLD - high level description of TSF, regardless of assurance level |
TDS - a high-level description of TSF at low assurance levels, migrating toward a more detailed description as assurance increases |
LLD - low-level description of TSF, regardless of assurance level |
IMP.1 implementation subset provided and examined |
IMP.1 entire implementation available; subset examined; sample mapped to design description |
IMP.2 entire implementation provided |
IMP.2 entire implementation available; subset examined; completely mapped to design description |
IMP.3 structured implementation |
[deleted: covered by INT] |
RCR.1 informal correspondence RCR.2 semiformal correspondence RCR.3 formal correspondence |
[correspondence is distributed through families: each representation must demonstrate correspondence to the previous one.] |
Families Addressing Understandability and Soundness of TSF |
ARC - describe architectural soundness and mechanisms used to ensure domain isolation and nonbypassability |
[no v.21 equivalent] |
INT.1 well structured specified subset of TSF |
INT.1 modularity of TSF |
INT.2 well structured internals |
INT.2 reduced of complexity: layers |
[deleted: notion of layers is implicit in structure and complexity] |
INT.3 minimal complexity |
INT.3 minimally complex internals |
SPM.1 informal model |
[deleted; the informal SPM is the collection of Objectives in the ST] |
SPM.2 semiformal model |
[deleted; the semiformal SPM is the collection of SFRs in the ST] |
SPM.3 formal model |
SPM.1 formal model |
2.4. Mapping of ATE requirements
CC v2.3 |
CC v3.1 |
ATE_COV.1 - test TSFIs |
ATE_COV.1 - test TSFIs in the functional specification |
ATE_COV.2 - test all TSFIs |
ATE_COV.1 - analysis demonstrates all TSFI are tested in accordance with the functional specification |
ATE_COV.3 - completely test all TSFIs |
ATE_COV.1 - rigorous analysis demonstrates all TSFI are completely tested |
ATE_DPT.1 - test against high-level design |
ATE_DPT.1 - test TSF subsystems |
ATE_DPT.2 - test TSF subsystems and SFR-enforcing modules |
ATE_DPT.2 - test against low-level design |
ATE_DPT.3 - test TSF subsystems and modules |
ATE_DPT.3 - test against implementation |
ATE_DPT.4 - test against implementation |
ATE_FUN.1 - functional testing |
ATE_FUN.1 - functional testing |
ATE_FUN.2 - ordered functional testing |
ATE_FUN.2 - ordered functional testing |
ATE_IND.1 - evaluator tests subset of TSF |
ATE_IND.1 - evaluator tests subset of TSF |
ATE_IND.2 - evaluator runs sample of developer’s tests |
ATE_IND.2 - evaluator runs sample of developer’s tests |
ATE_IND.3 - evaluator runs all of developer’s tests |
ATE_IND.3 - evaluator runs all of developer’s tests |
2.5. Mapping of AVA requirements
CC v2.3 |
CC v3.1 |
AVA_CCA - covert channel analysis |
Covert channel analysis (which is relevant only when multi-level information flow or unobservability policies are present) moved into VAN. |
AVA_MSU - misuse analysis: how might the documentation be misinterpreted in a way that leads to insecure use? |
Misuse analysis mostly moved into the AGD families that address the documents subject to such analysis. However, aspects of this remain in VAN, since the AGD documents are considered when performing vulnerability analysis. |
AVA_SOF - strength of function analysis: how strong are the permutational/probabilistic mechanisms? |
SOF analysis no longer explicitly addressed. The resistance of a security function to an attacker is covered in VAN; no more SOF claim made |
AVA_VLA - vulnerability analysis |
AVA_VAN - vulnerability analysis: explicitly added the requirement look to public domain sources of vulnerabilities. Removed the notion of the developer performing any vulnerability assessment. |
[1] While this table gives the impression that FSP.2 is equivalent to FSP.4, this is not the case. There are additional aspects of the interface that introduced in v3.1 that do not exist in v2.3 (e.g., different types of error, and method of use).