Dedicated Security Components

CCDB iTC Liaison:  US

Introduction and Status

The CCDB has established a Work Group to assist in creating an iTC (and hence cPPs) for Dedicated Security Component (the Work Group name is abbreviated to "DSC WG"). The Work Group comprises participants from 2 nations, at present: The US and Sweden.

The invitation notice for joining the candidate iTC, with contact details, can be found here: iTC invitation letter.

To join the iTC, please message:

Dedicated Security Components cPP v2.0 Public Review Draft 2 (PRD-2) Released

The DSC-iTC has published v2.0 Public Review Draft-2 (PRD-2) on May 24, 2024. The initial public comment period will be open until July 8, 2024.

Information about the review period and process are on the DSC-iTC home page: Work on the update itself is performed in GitHub.

Initial Essential Security Requirements (ESR) and Position Statements

Essential Security Requirements

The working group has produced an Essential Security Requirements document for Dedicated Security Component. The ESR represents the common needs of the WG members in the technology area. The document can be found here: Essential Security Requirements.

Information about Dedicated Security Component cPP Position Statements can be found here: Position Statements.