Hardcopy Devices
CCDB iTC Liaison: KR
Introduction and Status
An iTC for Hardcopy Devices endorsed by CCMC in February 14th, 2020. The ESR was produced by the HCD WG with HCD TC collaboration. The document can be found here: Essential Security Requirements.
The iTC is sponsored by 2 national CC schemes: Japan and Republic of Korea
The iTC also includes key Hardcopy Devices developers and laboratories with experience in this technology.
The iTC is open to stakeholders with an interest in the security of Hardcopy Devices. To join the iTC, please send a request to the HCD iTC Chair.
Position Statements
Information about HCD cPP Position Statements can be found here: Position Statements.
HCD Public Release: HCD cPP and Supporting Document v1.0e Published
The HCD iTC has published their collaborative Protection Profile and Supporting Document v1.0e.
Please visit the HCD iTC home page for more information and to access the published documents.