CCRA Vision Statement

CCRA Management Committee Vision statement for the future direction of the application of the CC and the CCRA.

To a large extent the CCRA activity has in the past been focused on developing the CC/CEM and harmonization of the application of the CC/CEM among the schemes. Nowadays there is an increased interest among the participants of the CCRA to facilitate development of protection profiles through collaboration between government agencies of participants, product vendors and labs. These protection profiles are then intended to be used for procurement purposes in several nations.

However, moving to a more PP-centric way of using the CC and CCRA also requires harmonization of how the CCRA participants develop and apply protection profiles.

The CCRA Management Committee (CCMC) has at the meeting in Paris, September 17 2012, agreed on a vision statement for the future direction of the application of the CC and the CCRA.

CCRA Transition Plan

This paper highlights the key points for adapting the CCRA and continues by describing the fundamental framework for how the CCMC have agreed to allow for proper management of such protection profiles.

This framework will ensure that the interests of the CCRA participants are considered, as well as ensuring that vendors, labs and other stakeholders are given access and an ability to influence the work. It also ensures that the resulting protection profiles become tools for fair competition.

The paper represents the vision of the MC focusing on the needed framework for managing the creation of protection profiles and does not address the changes required for the CCRA itself. The CCMC vision is expected to be refined and expanded in future revisions. Comments and/or suggestions on this paper can be forwarded to the CCMC via the national schemes.

The paper has been published “as–is” in order to make it available in a timely manner to CCRA stakeholders. The CCRA MC intend to complement the document with more information in due time.

The CCMC has tasked the chair of the Executive Subcommittee and the chair of the Development board to work out a detailed proposal on an updated Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement, updated Terms-of-Reference for the CCRA committees, a transition plan etc, to be presented at next MC meeting planned for Q1 2013.

The paper is the shared vision of the CCMC from the meeting held September 17, 2012. All nations agreed on the concept of cPPs and agreed that the addition of a cPP-based approach will assist in achieving repeatable, comparable, effective evaluation results.

Two nations voiced disagreement with the sections of the vision statement which limit non-cPP based mutual recognition to EAL2. Additional workshops are planned to facilitate full CCRA MC consensus on the vision statement.